
Tom Beets - Elder

In 1983, a group of believers were meeting for a Bible study that later developed into Kilgore Bible Church. Tom was one of those believers and says it has been a privilege and blessing to see KBC grow and impact lives as believers are equipped for serving the Lord. His life has been changed through the teaching of God's Word, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the fellowship of the body of Christ. As a deacon and then as an elder, Tom says it has been a humbling experience to see how God through His grace is working in a multitude of ways in our midst. Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" is a verse that continues to help him realize the beneficial way God is present in the activities and course of life. He enjoys interacting with others as they seek to know God better and allow Him to spiritually transform their lives. He and his wife, PJ, are thankful for the close fellowship they and their 3 children have been able to enjoy over the last 30 years as they live with other believers in a community of love, encouragement, and accountability.