“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.”

Matthew 18:5

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Wednesday evenings
6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

Awana Kick Off on

Wednesday the 28th, from 6-8pm

Parents are invited to attend & meet the leaders! 
There will be a registration table in the main atrium Wed evenings.

You can register your children with the link below

*Cash and checks are accepted. Checks can be made to KBC, with a note it’s for Awana, please speak to Philip at the front desk about books, vests, and amount due as it varies with each year.
Payment is due at the time of registration.

Awana is available for ages 3 - 8th Grade.

Awana Journey is available for high school age on Saturday evenings.

Awana equips local volunteers in churches around the world with Biblical evangelism and discipleship solutions so that today's children may become tomorrow’s Christian leaders, in every aspect of society and culture.

Our mission is for every child to love Jesus for the rest of his or her life. That will only be accomplished by nurturing and developing spiritual resilience in our current generation of children.

What will the landscape of 2050 look like? Are our kids becoming Christ’s disciples or is our culture engulfing and overwhelming them? Statistics reveal that the probability of a person accepting Christ as Savior is the highest between the ages of four and fourteen. We have chosen to use AWANA as the vehicle to fan the flames of enthusiasm in our childrens’ faith. We have purposed to come alongside families and “lift up their arms” as they trust Christ and seek His help to train their children in the great battle for their souls.

Our secret weapon in this ministry is our leaders, who range in age from high school to “old school.” It is a continual joy to see our leaders selflessly focused on building a relationship with every child, kindly pointing each one to the Savior. Coupled closely with those who serve as leaders are others who fervently pray for soft hearts, opened eyes, and attentive ears.

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