And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Acts 2:42

Why become a member?

  1. Glorifying God together

    The members of KBC seek to glorify God together.

  2. Commitment to people together

    The members of KBC are committed to each other and aid each other spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially.

  3. Attendance and participation together

    The members of KBC seek to live the Christian life together.

  4. Welcoming accountability and submitting to leadership together

    The members of KBC submit to each other and enjoy rich accountability and wise guidance from the Board of elders and deacons.

  5. Pursuit of holiness together

    The members of KBC fight sin and pursue holiness together.

  6. Commitment to support the life and mission of the church together

    The members of KBC unite around essential doctrines of the Christian faith as taught in the Bible and share their resources to support the health and growth of the body of Christ.

  7. Affirmation of each other’s profession of faith

    The members of KBC highlight God’s visible grace in each other’s lives in order to provide assurance for believers.

  8. Context to live out relational obedience and Christ-like love together

    The members of KBC seek to live out the “one-another” commands of the New Testament in regular displays of affection and genuine love.


  9. Helping the elders in their shepherding together

    The members of KBC admit their needs and submit to the shepherding of the elders.